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Paint, Tiles, and ELECTRICITY - Kenya Update 2/28/23

It has been a very productive week on the church property in Kenya! So much has been done that Pastor Benard feels they should be able to hold their first service THIS coming Sunday. It was great news to hear that many people in the surrounding area are excited to see the buildings being constructed. We are believing for an outpouring of God's Spirit on the church in Rongo and an explosion of people attending the services. We are doing our part to plant, and we are believing that God will produce a harvest!

Here's a video of the progress made this week:

What's next? They are moving the church building to the property on Thursday. To make that happen, we need to pray that $1300 in donations become available. After the church is moved, the next big project will be constructing a perimeter wall to keep the facility safe. Elder Walter is working on the design and construction cost for the wall.

Here's why we are working so diligently in Rongo - people need the Lord, we are called to meet physical needs, and God is being glorified. Check out this video of the children worshipping in this past Sunday's service - it will bless you!

Let's keep on praying for the projects in Kenya. We want to be a light to that part of the world in order to Glorify God. If you want to support the work, please click the button below to donate. Make sure you select "Kenya Missions" from the drop-down menu on the secure giving site.


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